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SSH Key Setup
Key Authentication with PuTTY
- Begin with generating proper folder permissions for .ssh
- Make sure you're under the proper user before entering code
Accept defaults for all prompts: [enter]
Now create an authorized keys file under the .ssh folder created, and set permissions
touch /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys
Inside of the puttygen program generate a key that will be used for connecting to the server
- Under Actions heading click on Generate to generate a key pair
- When done, click on Save Private Key, and name it priv.ppk
- Manually copy and paste the public key starting from "ssh-rsa" down to the end of the key ending in "rsa-key-<numbers>" into a new file named public
- Once you're done with this make sure to move a copy of the files into a new entry for KeePass
Copy the text of the public key you created, and insert it into the authorized_keys file:
vim /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys
Apply the key to a separate ssh session to make sure you've done everything correctly
Now to disallow root login and change other configuration for ssh:
sudo -i
(you are now under the root user)
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Within the config change settings to match the following !!Remove # sign if applicable!!
PermitRootLogin no PasswordAuthentication no UsePAM no
Finally, Restart the sshd service to enable these changes:
sudo systemctl restart sshd